Do you have a BS website?
Do you have a genuinely authentic website or is it a generic one?
Dragged through a hedge backwards
Dragged through a hedge backwards is not the look you want to have down at the office.
The power of "Welcome back!"
Patients are doing you a favour when they choose your office. Do you show your gratitude?
Do you have a plan B?
Do you have a plan B for communicating with patients when plan A is not working?
Mercedes for the price of a Nissan?
Should you be a preferred provider? It's a decision only you can make but if you decide not to then own the decision.
Passive aggressive – No thanks!
A couple of days ago I needed to have a prescription filled at a pharmacy. As I was out walking I came across a pharmacy in a quiet area...
Don't follow the pack
Advertising using alternative mediums can give you much more bang for your buck.
Are you plain vanilla?
Doing the same as everyone else is not a marketing strategy. It's the things you do that are different that count.