The power of "Welcome back!"

I spent a few days in Sydney recently. On the first night we went to a magnificent Italian restaurant in the Strand Arcade (Pendolino – If you live in Sydney you must try it!).

The restaurant was so good we rebooked for the next night and went back. When we returned every team member was aware we were making a return visit and welcomed us:

"Nice to see you again!" "Thanks for coming back!" "Welcome back!"

The team were acutely aware that there are hundreds of restaurants in Sydney where we could have dined but we chose theirs – and they were grateful. Doesn't the same apply to dental practices?

Unless you live in a small town with a "captive" audience people can pick lots of other dentists. If they choose to come and see you they are doing you a favour, not the other way around.

When was the last time you and your team thanked a patient for coming to see you? Do you do it every time?

Whenever I saw a patient the first thing I would always say is "Thanks for coming!" I felt it set the right tone. It was an acknowledgement that I appreciated them choosing me and I did not take it for granted.

To quote one of my most admired dentists: "Let gratitude be your attitude."


Dragged through a hedge backwards


Do you have a plan B?