Change your new patient form
A simple and important change to your new patient form will make a big difference.
Asymptomatic cracked tooth
What do you do when you discover an asymptomatic crack in a molar tooth?
An epiphany
Occasionally you have a realisation that is so important that it changes everything.
What’s your time worth?
Dental materials aren’t expensive. Your time is expensive. Stop penny pinching.
Patient education
Some dentists invest huge time and effort “educating” patients. Is this worthwhile, or is it a fool’s errand.
Perth seminars, 30-31 August
Come along to The Art of Case Acceptance and The Art of Efficient Dentistry in Perth on 30-31 August.
Task saturation
Have you ever been overwhelmed at work? It can cause you to make bad decisions.
First visit fail
New patients are like gold. Why make a simple, easily-avoided blunder at the first visit?
Stress relief
What have you done recently to make your job more pleasant and less stressful?
Pointless pursuit of perfection
You will never find anything that 100% of patients like. Stop looking for perfect solutions.
How much is enough?
Is bigger better? Will having more make you happier or more successful?
A surprising observation
Sometimes people behave in the opposite of the way that is rational.
Do you know your running cost?
Knowing your running cost per hour helps you plan, set fees and allocate resources.
Don’t be a curmudgeon
Be very careful not to constantly criticise patients. If you absolutely must criticise do it with some praise first.
Advice for young dentists
What’s the best thing to do at the start of your career? Get out of your comfort zone.
Sometimes you learn a lot from mistakes…
We all hate to make mistakes but if you are open to learning, mistakes can be your best teacher.
Cart before the horse
There is a proper order for diagnosis and treatment discussion. Violate it at your peril.