Don't follow the pack

I'm going to let you in on a secret that can make your adverting budget much more effective.

The fact that the vast majority of practices are focusing heavily on online advertising creates big opportunities. Or, to put that another way: How can you stand out in a crowded marketplace?

The answer is go to a place where there is no crowd.

If everyone is advertising on the internet, facebook, google or instagram it's very hard to attract an audience. But, if you can reach out to potential clients in a way that no one else is then you stand out.

Currently very, very few dentists use letter box drops to attract clients. Yet, I built my last practice in a highly competitive area using exactly that method. Other dentists took my letter box dropper and used it all over Australia and it worked everywhere it was used.

Even today, over 10 years after it was written, my letter box dropper still works great.

Letter box drops allow you to speak directly to potential clients. You can even target the type of clients you get by the message you use.

So, I encourage you to rethink your internet advertising and look at other mediums.


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Sell treatment? No way!