I was speaking recently to a person who is a very conscientious and sensible dental patient. This person had not been to see their dentist for their regular check-up.

I asked why.

"John always tells me off for not flossing the right way. I try my best but I never seem to get it right."


John thinks he is being helpful and doing the right thing. His patient doesn't agree and finds it annoying, so annoying in fact that they have started skipping check-up appointments.

When you try to "educate" patients are you being annoying? Here are two rules to help you avoid that.

  1. Make suggestions, don't "educate" or scold.
    For example: "You are doing a great job with your cleaning and do you mind if I make a small suggestion? You might find it very helpful if you do this instead of that."

  2. Don't be a broken record.
    Don't harp on about a problem every time the patient comes. Let them have visits where you are just happy to see them without scolding.

If you cause patients to avoid the dentist you are not doing them any favours. Be kind. Be gentle. Stop scolding.


Passive aggressive – No thanks!


A rule for certain success