Mercedes for the price of a Nissan?

I received an interesting question this week. It was from a non-preferred provider dentist who wondered what verbal skills they could use to get preferred provider patients to come to them. Was there a smart thing they could say that would make preferred provider patients glad to pay the extra.

The short answer is "no".

The longer answer is "definitely no" and "why would you want to"?

Dentists choose not to be preferred providers because they want to control their own destiny and not be under the thumb of insurance funds. They don't want a third party who has no idea of the quality of the service they provide or their overhead costs setting their fees.

Patients join health funds to try and lower their out-of-pocket costs. They think that over the long haul they will get a better deal. Many (but definitely not all) health fund members think that all dentists are the same. There is no point paying extra for "quality".

Bottom line is this – you cannot pay for a Nissan and get a Mercedes. It can't be done.

If you are a non-preferred provider be proud of your decision and own it. Stop trying to be everything to everyone. Make sure you are offering top quality service and top quality treatment then be at peace.

You will not win over everyone but you will win enough people for your practice to prosper. For some dental consumers price is the main criterion for selecting a dentist. If you charge more than preferred provider rates they will go elsewhere and that is OK.

Conversely, many people are happy to pay more provided they get more. They appreciate value, and isn't that the type of patient you truly want in your practice?


Do you have a plan B?


Don't torture yourself