But, before we start...
Being efficient involves planning but the payoffs are huge. Part 2.
Don't follow the pack
Advertising using alternative mediums can give you much more bang for your buck.
Sell treatment? No way!
Trying to sell treatment to patients is a sure way to put yourself under stress. What's the alternative?
What photographers can teach dentists
What can photographers teach dentists about productivity? One of them at least knows the secret.
If you can't explain it simply...
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." – Albert Einstein
Clinical notes done right
Clinical notes are mostly superfluous until something goes wrong. Then they're vital!
Avoiding the dreaded 1-star review
Nothing is more likely to get you a 1-star review than giving a patient a sensitive filling. How do you avoid it?
How to make life more difficult
Managing stress levels isn't just good for you. It's good for your patients too.
Dumb things that stress dentists
Managing stress levels isn't just good for you. It's good for your patients too.
It's nearly impossible
Managing your weaknesses can have remarkable benefits for your practice. Here are a few ideas.
Making the best of a bad deal (part 2)
Managing your weaknesses can have remarkable benefits for your practice. Here are a few ideas.
Making the best of a bad deal
Managing your weaknesses can have remarkable benefits for your practice.