But, before we start...

Before I launch off and give you the 5 "secrets" to working efficiently in the dental environment I wanted to mention two things. To many dentists working efficiently is seen as bad because:

  • They think it will lower their quality

  • They think it will put them under stress

Let me tell you that both those beliefs are absolutely and totally wrong. In fact the opposite is the truth. Having been in and observed literally dozens of practices the truth is this:

  • The most efficient practices produce the highest quality work

  • The most efficient practices have the lowest stress levels

This discovery amazed me when I first made it. I thought that a practice producing $5,000 per day would be much more stressful and rushed than one producing $2,000 per day. Yet I was wrong.

Whenever I worked in a $5K practice it was like a breath of fresh air. Whenever I worked in a $2K practice it was like trying to swim through molasses. After a $5K (or $6K or $7K or $10) day I was as fresh as a daisy. After a $1.5K day I was stressed and tired and frustrated.

I hope that you read the next 5 blog posts as I unpick the details behind this. If you stay with me you will be rewarded with ideas on a new way to practice.

See you next week.


Let's look at equipment


Planning for efficiency