Let's look at equipment

Let's look at the first key item in the series of working efficiently.

If you want to practice efficiently and effectively you must have the right equipment. But, being properly set up is not common, in fact it's the exception. Here are the three biggest mistakes I see with respect to equipment.

Mistake #1 – no second operatory

Even with good staff it takes about 10 minutes to flip a room – that is the time from when one patient walks out until the next patient is in the chair ready to go.

With one operatory, seeing 12 patients a day that means you lose 120 per day minutes waiting. That's 10 hours in a 5-day week or roughly 6 weeks a year. Personally I'd rather spend that time on holidays.

Mistake #2 – worn out equipment

I've seen ultrasonic scalers so worn down they no longer fitted between the teeth. I've seen hand instruments that are bent and blunt. I've seen curing lights that are so weak they take 40 seconds to set the composite.

Ironically many dentists have the latest golf clubs and drive around in a BMW and yet, at work, where they spend most of their day they have equipment that is held together with duct tape.

Mistake #3 – too much equipment

You do not need 11 burs to cut a crown prep. You do not need 8 hand instruments to place a composite. You do not need 7 different types of composite. You do not need 5 different types of lining material. You do not need 4 implant systems.

Too much material and equipment slows you down. Every time you change a bur the procedure stops. Work out the least you need to do the job and become highly expert with that reduced array of instruments.

Bottom line

Equipment is cheap. Your time is expensive.

Invest in up-to-date high quality equipment but not too much of it. Get a second operatory.


Let's look at staff


But, before we start...