How many days a week should you work?
One of the most surprising (and counterintuitive) pieces of advice I ever received was to shorten my work week and that my gross would go up.
At the time I was working 5½ days a week which is a lot for a demanding occupation like dentistry.
When I stopped the half day on Saturday my gross did, in fact, go up. Surprise!Then, when I cut another day (Friday) my gross went up again. I was now working 27% less time and yet earning about 20% more. Amazing.
Obviously there has to be a limit to this process but it was a wonderful relief. How did it happen?
My belief is that when you're fresh and focussed you're remarkably more productive than when you're tired. With a short work week you realise that you don't have time to lose and get down to work. You can throw yourself into work because the week is short and you have a long weekend to freshen up.
With a long work week you have to slow down and pace yourself and the whole office grinds along.
How many days a week do you work? If it's 4½ or more, have you thought of slowing down?
You might just be surprised to find your gross goes up.