Um, er, about...

Dr Mark Hassed

Having watched literally hundreds of dentists discuss treatment with patients there are two particular times when dentists often sound unsure and wishy washy.

Those times are when telling the patient how long treatment will take and when saying the fee.

Instead of saying (in a confident voice) "your treatment will take two appointments, two weeks apart", they say (in a weak, hesitant voice) "um... it will take... er... approximately two appointments...". It makes them sound like they don't know what they are doing.

Instead of saying (in a confident voice) "the cost is $1,680", they say (in a weak, hesitant voice) "um... the cost is about... er... sixteen hundred...". It makes them seem as if they are not sure and are embarrassed about their fees.

I don't know why this happens but I've seen it time and time again.Next time you have to tell a patient how long treatment will take or how much it will cost do it in a confident manner. Don't beat around the bush and sound weak and unsure.

The patient is watching you. If they see that you are unsure about how long treatment will take they may presume that you are not confident with performing it.

If they see you hesitating with the fee they may assume that you are overcharging.

Neither of those are impressions that you want to create.


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