What about simplifying?

Last week I mentioned a book lately called "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying" by Marie Kondo. It challenges you to clean up your home and thereby live a simpler but more enjoyable life.

The book made me think about a friend of mine who used to have too many implant systems. Every time he'd go to a seminar about implants he'd buy whatever system was on offer.

As a result he had six complete systems in his office. The problems were:

  • The staff never knew which one to set up.

  • Keeping fully stocked with parts was difficult and expensive.

  • He was sort of competent with each but not a master with any of them.

Maybe you don't have six implant systems. But, perhaps, do you have four types of bond and five different varieties of composite?

If you want to be more efficient there is a lot to be said for keeping your inventory to the minimum.

Look through your materials cupboard and see what you really truly need and which ones you can get rid of.


Simplicity = speed and ease


Clear the decks