Clear the decks

I've been reading a book lately called "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying" by Marie Kondo.

It challenges and inspires you to clean up your home and thereby live a simpler but more enjoyable life.

However, why just tidy up at home?Virtually every practice I visit has cupboards full of old materials and equipment. You know the sort of thing — composite you never really liked that is now 6 months out of date or an electrical pulp tester that you lost the leads for several years ago.

If you get rid of this useless stuff I would contend three things:

  • you would feel better.

  • your staff would like it.

  • you might find some useful things that you thought you had lost.

According to Marie the technique is to take everything out of the cupboards and only put back those things that give you joy.

Try it with a cupboard and see how you like it!


What about simplifying?


Do you have enough patients?