Support group

Dr Mark HassedDentistry is one of the toughest professions there is. As some patients like to tell us, dentists have the highest suicide rate of any profession.In order to get through the tough times you need a support group. A group of dentists who you can get together with, unwind and tell it how it is. Dentists who you don't need to put on the study club veneer of success and clinical magnificence. Dentists who you can be just as you are, warts and all.Let me tell you a little secret. Every dentist who has ever practiced has some cases where things didn't work out as they hoped. Cases where they wish they could hit the rewind button and start over.Have you got a support group of close dental friends. If not, start looking for kindred spirits. If so, then value them and let them know how important they are to you.


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