How NOT to handle complaints

I don't care how good you are, occasionally every one gets complaints. How you handle the complaint makes all the difference.

In a previous blog post I mentioned that I had a blood test a while ago and the infection control was not up to a good standard. I rang the company's head office to lodge a complaint. Their handling of this interaction was a model in bad management of complaints.

So, here are my five ways to hopelessly botch your handling of a complaint:

  1. Fob off
    Tell the person that they need to submit their complaint via email or in writing. Make the complainer jump through hoops.

  2. Be begrudging
    When 1. above fails accept the complaint but do it in a manner like you are doing the person complaining a huge favour.

  3. Don't listen
    Cut the complainer off at every opportunity. Don't let them express what they want to say. Don't ask questions to clarify. Jump in and talk over the top of them.

  4. I'm right, you're wrong
    Explain to the complainer in a condescending way how they are 100% wrong and you are 100% right. Do not thank the person complaining or show any understanding of their views.

  5. Don't follow up
    Suggest no solutions or action steps. Do not follow up on the complaint.

Of course this is not how you would want your practice to handle complaints. Handling a complaint in this way is just adding fuel to the fire. But, have you had a staff meeting and discussed how complaints should be handled?

Now you know what not to do, working out what to actually do should be easy.


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