Cleaning out your drawers

Seriously! No one needs 6 different bonding systems or 5 different types of composite.

But, when I go into most practices I can go on an archaeological dig and find piles of old stuff cluttering up the cupboards. In one practice I found materials that were up to 12 years past their expiry date.

During the relatively quiet time in your practice it's a great opportunity to get rid of all this stuff. If I were you, I'd pull every single thing out of every cupboard and look at it carefully:

  • Is this the best of its type we have?
    We all have composite that we bought but don't like to use because it is too tacky or whatever.

  • Have we used it in the past few months?
    Maybe the percussive crown remover will never be used again? Do you have burs you can't remember what they are for?

  • Is it out of date?
    Imagine if patients knew you used out-of-date materials.

  • Do we really need this or is there a simpler way of getting it done?
    Maybe you are never going to use the electrical pulp tester again? Maybe all your bonding needs can be handled by one system.

Throw out the stuff that fits in the above categories.

I know it will hurt – you paid good money for this after all. But, when you are done you will be more efficient because a heap of clutter has gone from your life. You will have lots more cupboard space and you will have thought about your systems and choices of materials.


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