Getting more done, easier

Following on from last week's discussion of efficiency, here's an incredibly effective  idea to try out immediately.

So many dentists ask me "What's the secret to being efficient?" There is not just one secret but I'm about to tell you the most important one – stop doing things you don't have to do.

Here's how to implement that.

Make a list of every single task you do during the day. The list will be big. It may contain things like "get patient from waiting room", "set up matrix bands", "put bib on patient", "cut piece of retraction cord", "get wedges out of drawer" and "write treatment notes". No item is too trivial. List everything you do.

When you are done the list will run to perhaps 3 or 4 pages.

Now take that list and sort it into two columns:

  1. "Things that require a dental license"

  2. "Things that can be done by a trained staff member."

Your job (if you want to become more efficient) is to delegate all the things in column 2 and focus your energy entirely on column 1.

This task is very simple, but not easy.

However, if you achieve it, your productivity will multiply in leaps and bounds.


Are you tracking delinquency?


An important explanation...