An important explanation...

Hardly a week goes by when I don't get an inquiry from a dentist: "When are you running your next efficiency seminar."

So, I've got a confession to make. Even though the efficiency seminars attracted good attendances I've stopped running them for the foreseeable future.


The problem is that the big majority of dentists don't understand that "Efficiency is a team sport."

They come to the seminar on their own (without team members), presumably because they think they can learn a few tricks and then become remarkably more efficient. That is plain wrong.

To be really efficient you must involve the entire team.

For a dental practice to be truly efficient it is much more about the things that the dentist doesn't do than it is about the things the dentist does do.

Producing $6,000+ per day is easy in a practice with well-trained, supportive team around you. Producing $2,000 per day is incredibly difficult (even for a super efficient dentist) if the team doesn't know what to do.

I know, because I've been there and done that.

If I wanted to make a practice more efficient it would be much more important to train the team than train the dentist.

If I can ever figure out a way to convince dentists of this, I'll start running my efficiency seminars again.


Getting more done, easier


Clear your mind – yes, really!