Efficiency is a team sport (part 2)

Dr Mark HassedIf you don't receive good support from your team it's impossible to work efficiently.At a seminar break recently I was chatting with a dentist. I made the point that being able to set up rapidly for procedures is a vital part of being efficient. Time spent waiting for instruments equals lost productivity.The dentist told me an amazing story. He said that whenever he needs to start a root filling it takes his team 15 minutes to get everything ready to go. What a waste of time! That unfortunate dentist runs late whenever a patient opts to save their tooth.In future blog posts I'll show you how to do instant set-up for procedures. You can be fully set up for a root filling in less than 10 seconds. Or, if you want to see me demonstrate how, come to my seminar, The Art of Efficient Dentistry, on 5 March in Sydney.

Special offer — free team member

 For the upcoming seminar I want to encourage all dentists to bring at least two team members — their chairside and a front desk person. It will make implementation so much easier.Therefore, for each paid team member you bring on 5 March you can bring another team member totally free of charge. There's no catch and there's no limit. If you want to bring four team members, you can pay for two and get two free.I'm doing this because I want to get the word out that this a team-friendly seminar.Please click here to find out more and to register.


Team training


Efficiency is a team sport