Efficiency is a team sport

Dr Mark HassedSpecial offer — free team member

On 13 February I ran The Art of Efficient Dentistry for the first time. The attendees loved the seminar received great value.Those who've had the easiest time implementing what they learnt are the dentists who brought their teams. For them, everyone was on the same page immediately.For the upcoming seminar on Sydney on 5 March I want to strongly encourage all the dentists to bring at least two team members — their chairside and a front desk person.Therefore, for each paid team member you bring on 5 March you can bring another team member totally free of charge. There is no catch and there is no limit. If you want to bring four team members, you can pay for two and get two free.I'm doing this because I want to get the word out that this a team-friendly seminar.Please click here to find out more and to register


Efficiency is a team sport (part 2)


Happier patients