Collapse of an empire

Recently the restaurant empire of the celebrity chef, Jamie Oliver, collapsed. If you haven't heard the news click here.

What happened?

To quote from

Seeking unique experiences... diners are increasingly shunning cut-and-paste eateries for high-end restaurants that offer a bespoke experience. Or at the other end of the spectrum, pop-up and food hall-style venues that offer good value, variety and are seen as more authentic.


Diners want to have an experience that is special or an experience that is authentic and good value. But, if you deliver an experience that is neither special nor particularly good value then you're going to fail – as Jamie has found out.

I reckon that you could replace the word "diners" in the quote above with "dental patients". People want an experience from their dentist that is either really special or really good value.

Or, if you can deliver an experience that is both special and good value you will be beating patients off with a stick.

But, if like Jamie you deliver service that is not special and not cheap then you will find the environment increasingly competitive.

Jamie Oliver has demonstrated a very salutary lesson for businesses everywhere.


"No" is a good place to be


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