Be different by design!

Last week I spoke about being different. Let's go further into that topic with a story.

When I opened a new dental office in 2001, I had it designed by an architect and a graphic designer right down to the colour scheme. It was nice!

One day I was off to one side in a hallway and saw a new patient enter. He stopped near the door way, looked around, nodded his head then walked to the reception desk. Subsequently he had a full mouth rehabilitation.

Such is the power of good design that this patient "bought" me and my dentistry just based on how my office looked.

Every day that office made me and my dentistry impressive. It differentiated me from all the dentists around me. I even had patients say: "I've been seeing Dr XXXX for years but now it's time to get my teeth fixed properly so I came here."

Yet, the big majority of dentists work in an office they designed, that is filled with cheap, worn out furniture and decorated with "How to brush your teeth" posters. No one is going to buy you based on an office like that.

And, the same dentists arrive at work in their new Mercedes or BMW.

They're happy to spend money on something that doesn't help their career and refuse to spend money on something that would. Then they go to a dental group meeting and complain how competitive things are.

Good design is something that patients notice and appreciate.

Spending $200K to get your office looking great will return you that money many times over. Then, when your practice is booming buy a nice car.

Note: I have no interest whatsoever in any design firm. I'm giving this recommendation because I believe it.


Collapse of an empire


Be different!