Throw them under the bus?

Dr D posed a question about how to handle a situation when you discover a colleague has done some sub-standard dentistry.

Maybe they’ve left some decay under a filling. Maybe they’ve broken a reamer and not told the patient. Or maybe a new crown they just inserted doesn’t fit properly.

That puts you in a tough situation.

You must be honest with the patient but at the same time you don’t want to stir up trouble with your colleague.

The best advice I ever received on this was not to be judgemental. You don’t know under what situation the work was done.

So my approach is to clearly, objectively and factually state what I have found without entering into any criticism of the previous dentist.

So, I would say something like:

  • “I’m seeing decay under that filling.” or

  • “I see a piece of broken instrument in the tooth.” or

  • “In my opinion that crown does not fit satisfactorily.”

It is totally unhelpful to make remarks like “That filling is really bad.” or “It’s terrible that the dentist left that piece of broken instrument.” or “That’s one of the worst crowns I’ve ever seen.” (Even though it may be.)

Remarks like that will only make a bad situation worse.

By handling the situation in the way I’ve outlined you have done the best you can.

You’ve fulfilled your obligation of honesty to the patient while, at the same time, been as kind as possible to the dentist.


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