Of course, they are both right

When I talk with dentists about how they can move their practices in the direction of their goals, broadly-speaking I get one of two responses.

“OK. Let’s work out how we can do that!”


“We can’t do that because of A, B and C.”

Of course, both dentists are right. Often the only difference between being able to do something (and not) is belief.

One of my favourite dentists (now deceased) was Dr Omer Reed from Phoenix, AZ. He used to say: “If it’s been done then it’s probably possible.” That little phrase gave me encouragement so many times when I was attempting to do something new in my practice.

For example when I was:

  • Moving away from doing one tooth at a time to doing quadrants.

  • Stopping treating children.

  • Stopping doing unnecessary extractions.

  • Stopping doing dentures.

  • Doing a full one-hour examination for all new patients.

  • Creating a comprehensive treatment plan for all patients.

Let’s say, just for example, you dislike treating children. You find it stressful and unproductive. What would it take to achieve that goal?

You could find half a dozen reasons why it is impossible and you could never do that.


You could look at the large number of successful dentists who have already done that and say: “If they can do it, then why not me?”

Which type of dentist you are is up to you.


Do you get failed appointments?


Do you get bogged down with questions?