Small details count

Dr Mark HassedWhen greeting a patient, especially for the first time, it's nice for everything to be perfectly set up.If everything's perfect then the dentist can relax and focus 100% on the patient. If things are wrong or forgotten the consultation just doesn't run as smoothly as it should.Here's a list of "little things" that are commonly not done right:

  • TimeMake sure the patient is in the surgery on time. Often new patients come in 10 minutes late because the front desk staff didn't allow time for the patient to fill in the paperwork.
  • LipstickNeeds to be removed prior to treatment. Don't wait until the dentist asks. Asking for the 700th consecutive time is really annoying.
  • MusicYou can't talk to the patient properly with music playing. Turn it off.
  • Cell phonesNeed to be off. It's amazing how many patients will answer cell phones even if they're talking to the dentist.
  • Bib and safety glassesIt's creepy meeting someone wearing dark glasses and a bib. Don't put them on until the chair leans back.

Little things count. Get them right and people will notice. Everyone will be happier and more relaxed.


Check lists — The keys to communication (part 2)


6-handed dentistry