Simple question. Huge results.

Is there a simple, easy, non-confrontational question that your receptionist can ask that will increase your flow of patients? Of course you know that, since I'm asking this question, the answer must be "Yes!".

This question is so elegant and low-pressure that patients perceive it as helpful and, in fact, it is.

The question should be asked whenever someone agrees to make an appointment for a check-up whether that is on the phone (a reactivation call) or in person. So, what is the question?

"By the way, while I've got you, is there anyone else in your family you'd like me to make an appointment for?"

Be sure to ask it in a relaxed, low-key, helpful manner.

Some people will say "No, just me" but many will say "Yes, my wife / husband / son / daughter / brother / sister needs an appointment." In which case you make the appointment immediately or give the relevant person a call.

Once you've organised that appointment you then say:

"Good, anyone else?"

Keep repeating this question until they run out of people. You might find that instead of just booking one person on a call you can book an entire family in this way.

You can even make it a competition among your front desk team to see who can make the most additional appointments.

Have your front desk team try this tomorrow. You may be amazed at the results.


A lesson in patience


Don't die wondering. Ask!