Roller skates or relaxed?

Dr Mark HassedOne of the things I'm most looking forward to presenting at Quantum Leap Dentistry on 23, 24 October is how to work very efficiently.In particular, I want to debunk the myths that in order to be efficient:

  1. You need to get your roller skates on
  2. It is stressful
  3. You need to lower your quality

In actual fact, the most efficient practices produce consistent high quality with minimal stress on the dentist. The least efficient practices have patchy quality combined with endless stress and hassles for the dentist.It all gets down to systems.On 24 October I'll show the nuts and bolts of excellent systems — how to bring together materials, team and the dentist in a way that makes everything simple and streamlined. I'll show you how to make your life easier while at the same time magnifying your productivity and improving your quality.I hope you can join me on 23, 24 October. Click here to find out more and to register.


Ease back on technical details


All systems go!