Photos done right

Dr Mark HassedDental clinical photos can be an amazingly effective tool when explaining treatment to patients.When photos are taken properly and presented well patients get a real understanding of what is going on in their mouths and why they need the treatment discussed. Patients often just look at them and start requesting treatment.But, there are a number of common mistakes with clinical photography that dentists fall into.Perhaps the most common is zooming in too much. Please let me explain.As dentists we understand the anatomy of teeth and what is normal and what is abnormal. Patients don't. To them an extreme close-up of a tooth is about as meaningful as an extreme close-up of our ear canals would be to us. Pretty much worthless.There are quite a few other crucial factors that determine success. There is an easy and simple technique for taking them that gets beautiful results and uses a cheap standard camera instead of a cumbersome and expensive SLR. There is a format for presenting them that patients understand.If you are not currently using clinical photos then you really should. It might just push your practice to the next level.If you need help in setting up to take clinical photos then I can coach you with a program I've developed called "The six indispensable secrets to dental clinical photography".The program takes less than half a day to implement and gives you every bit of information you need to take knock-your-socks-off clinical photos.


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