Does your office have an espresso machine?

Dentistry today is more competitive than it once was.

Therefore, many practices are looking for ways to not only offer a higher level of service to their patients but also be more memorable. Enter the espresso machine.

I've never seen an espresso machine in any dental office (except my own). Here are the advantages:

  • It makes you memorable – virtually no offices have an espresso machine

  • It lets you offer welcoming hospitality to your patients

  • It gives your patients a reason to come a few minutes early for their appointments

  • It makes the staff interact with patients ("Please let me get you a cup of coffee. How do you take it?")

  • It puts a nice smell through the office – way better than eugenol

  • Finally, you and the staff get to enjoy beautiful fresh coffee paid for with before-tax dollars.

Given all these advantages, I've been scratching my head to work out why all dental offices don't have an espresso machine.

I still don't have an answer to that. It's a mystery.


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