Office design

Over the past 10 years I've been fortunate to have visited around 50 dental offices.

Those that have been designed by professional designers are instantly recognisable and stand out head and shoulders over those that the dentist has put together by himself.

When I walk into a professionally designed office I notice several things:

  • The office is orderly and neat

  • The office has a sense of calm

  • The office is aesthetically pleasing

  • There is plenty of natural light

  • The office is pleasant and efficient to work in

Taken all together these things tell patients that the dentist knows what they are doing and does high quality dentistry. This translates into greater treatment acceptance and a healthier bottom line for the practice.

With all those benefits why doesn't every dentist employ the services of a professional designer?

That's a real mystery to me.Dentists I suspect fall into the trap of thinking they can do everything. They think that because they are good at dentistry and running a practice that they are also good at designing a practice.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Design is a special skill just like dentistry is a special skill. I would rate a dentist attempting DIY design as being similar to a designer attempting DIY dentistry. Maybe possible but the result will not be good.So, when building a new surgery pay a professional designer.

It may cost you $20,000 or more but it will be an incredible investment. It will certainly return much more to you financially that an expensive new laser gadget.


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