The person sitting beside you is not the problem

Dentists often like to complain about “bad” patients.

“If only I had patients like Dr X I’d be more successful.”

“My patients don’t understand the need for good dentistry.”

“My patients don’t have the money.”

I’m going to give you a thought exercise to try and break through that self-defeating thinking.

The person sitting beside you is NOT the problem. Their unsolved dental issue is the problem. Focus on that and your life will become a lot easier.

Looked at in that light the person sitting opposite you becomes a tremendous opportunity.

After all, they could be in a different dental office today, yet they came to see you because they needed your help with something. What is it they are wanting? If you can identify that and give them a solution then they will agree and proceed with treatment.

A simple change of perspective can work wonders.


Photography. Why not?


Would you rather have a headache?