It’s counterintuitive – do less, achieve more

The philosopher-king, Marcus Aurelius believed in doing fewer things but doing them better.

“If you seek tranquility do less (or do what’s essential).”
–Marcus Aurelius

Without any doubt Marcus Aurelius was on to something. Please let me explain.

In inefficient dental offices I commonly see:

  • The dentist runs around like a mad thing.

  • The dentist does a lot of tasks that could easily be delegated.

  • The dentist constantly checks and monitors the team to catch mistakes.

In efficient dental offices I always see:

  • The dentist moves slowly and serenely.

  • The dentist focusses 100% on treating patients and delegates everything else.

  • The team take responsibility for their own performance.

An efficient dentist does fewer things but because they are free to focus totally on those things that matter they do them better and more efficiently.

A dentist generates no income while doing “support” tasks, only when they are diagnosing and treating patients.

That’s how you can do less and achieve more.


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