Make it automatic

Dr Mark HassedCurrent psychological research establishes that making decisions causes fatigue.The more of them you make the tireder you get. Eventually, if you have a busy day full of decisions, your brain will start taking shortcuts.It does this either by being rash and jumping to decisions or by becoming inactive and putting things off.Obviously neither of these is desirable for a dentist.Therefore, if you want to give your patients the best of you, you need to conserve your decision making capacity.You should only make the decision that you absolutely have to and let the rest be automatic.You don't have to, for example, fill in lab sheets. Train the team on the type of crowns you prefer then let them do that.You don't need to write referral letters.You don't need to decide what type of bond to use - work out the best for each filling type then train the team so they don't have to ask you.You don't need to nominate the local anaesthetic to use. Work out the best for each situation and then train the team.You don't need to say "short" or "long" every time a team member sets up LA. Train them and then let them set up automatically.I promise you this. Your practicing life will become incredibly easier if you make as much of it automatic as you can and save your brain power only for the tricky situations that come up.


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