Make a hole. Fill it up.

Dr Mark HassedNo, this isn't an article about how to do dental fillings. I'll assume that, if you're reading this article, you already know how to do that.

This article is about demystifying the process of increasing practice profitability.There are dozens of practice management gurus out there, all claiming special knowledge in how to make your practice better, but when you boil it all down there are only two things you need to do.

  1. Make a hole - Become more efficient in how you work so that you create space in your schedule.
  2. Fill it up - Market your practice better to fill up the space you've created.

Of course there are a few subtleties. You don't want to fill the space with low fee work that is marginally profitable. And, you want your productivity systems rock solid so the quality of work doesn't fall.It sounds simple, and it is. It's why some practices gross $2,500 per day while other practices in the same geographic area gross $10,000 per day.It's why I relentlessly talk about becoming more efficient.If you'd like your practice audited for efficiency please give me a call. It's what I do!


It's not rocket science


It's the mix that matters