Loupe reluctance

I was talking with a dentist recently who was interested in improving the quality of their work and was asking me how to do that.

My very first question was "Do you wear loupes?"

Their answer was a real shocker to me. "I have loupes but I only wear them when I need to.

"This stunned me because I cannot think of a single procedure where I do not wear loupes. Loupes make you better at everything (and faster too, but that is another story). I even do extractions and give LA with loupes.

In effect this dentist said to me that they want to do good work with some procedures but they are not so fussed with others.

No wonder they have an issue with quality!If you always wear loupes then good for you. If you don't then get some and resolve to use them 100% of the time.It's the best way to go.


Trying to control patients


Steering into trouble