Laziness is a good thing

OK, I'll admit it – I'm lazy. I'm always looking for easier ways to do things.

Over the years my laziness has served me well. It has saved me thousands of hours of unnecessary work and made me outstandingly productive, often getting more done in a week than many dentists do in a month.

Let me ask you a question – when was the last time you found an easier and quicker way to do something in your office? Yesterday, last week, last month, a couple of years ago, not in the past decade?

Of all the dentists I've watched 95% could double their productivity per unit time by straightening out their workflows.

Any procedure you do has multiple steps. At each and every step ask yourself two things:

  1. Is this necessary?

  2. Is there a better way to do this?

In category 1. you might want to look at things such as linings or who gets the patient from the waiting room (hint: nurses can do it).

In category 2. you might look at things such as who gets the wedges out of the drawer or six-handed dentistry.

I can tell you for sure that if you haven't found an idea to improve your productivity in the past month then you're not looking. The improvements are there, you just need to find them.

Be more lazy!


Cobwebs around the door


Evolve or die