The interruptible dentist

Recently I had some dental work myself. Generally it was a pleasant experience but one thing that was slightly off-putting for me was the amount of personal, non-dental chat that went on between the dentist and nurse even when drilling on my tooth.

That got me thinking about focus. Can a dentist really multi-task? That is, drill on a tooth and chat about their next holiday at the same time. With respect to driving that is certainly not possible. According to wikipedia:

When drivers talk on cell phones the risk of an automobile crash resulting in hospitalization is four times higher than when not talking on a cell phone.

I reckon that stunning statistic would apply to dentistry too. As a patient the thing I most wanted from the dentist was to pay 100% attention, especially when drilling. Other times I am not so fussed.

Are staff members welcome to come in and ask you questions as you work? Or, do they have to wait until you are finished? When drilling do you pay complete attention or do you chat?

I'd be interested to hear your comments ands whether you consider me right or wrong. Have a good week.


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