I'm pretty sure uncertainty is bad

Dr Mark HassedIn my seminar, The Art of Case Acceptance, I go through the 23 errors I've seen dentists make when explaining treatment to patients. Attendees find it very helpful knowing the pitfalls to avoid.Of all the errors there is one that stands out to me as being both very common and also very detrimental to success.That error is the dentist discussing treatment options prior to getting them all sorted out in their own head. What this produces is a waffling, unclear conversation where the patient is not quite sure what you are saying:

Dentist: "We might perhaps have to one day look at doing a crown on that tooth."

The patient is left wondering whether they need a crown or not and under what circumstances that might be. The patient has no way of making a rational decision when information is presented in such an ambiguous fashion.So, make sure you have mental clarity prior to commencing your treatment discussions with patients.BTW, I still have three places left for The Art of Efficient Dentistry in Melbourne on 13 February. You should be there. (Said with no trace of uncertainty!)




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