If you can't sell it you can't do it

Dr Mark HassedSo many of the dentists I visit do clinical course after clinical course. They're information junkies and never stop trying to improve their clinical skills.That's good, but there's one skill they forget. That skill is the most crucial of all because it determines how much clinical dentistry they get to do.The skill is being able to explain treatment to patients. Let's look at an example of how a lack of this skill plays out.I saw a dentist a while ago who was a clinical master -- highly adept. Despite this, the dentist was turning over around $40,000 per month which was between a half and a third of what a dentist of their skill level should have.The dentist's treatment discussions were almost painful to listen to. They were very long, rambling and utterly confusing. Patients were bamboozled. They had no clear idea of their choices, the pros or cons, or the cost.The practice was financially struggling and the dentist in question, despite their superb clinical skills, only got to do big cases once or twice a year if that.If you are doing less than 20 items of significant dentistry a month (for example crowns) then you urgently need coaching on case presentation.I've got an easily learnt system for communication that can take you from poor to good in just one day. If you apply my system you can earn back the cost of my coaching session in less than a week.Give me a call so you can finally get to do all the fancy dentistry that you've trained so hard to master.


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