Honesty talks. BS walks.


Recently I've been talking with several salespeople who sell event space at hotels. Some are nice and some not so much.

I've discovered there's one thing that I can't stand and that's insincerity yet many of the salespeople dish it out with a trowel. The interaction runs like this:

I ring the hotel and ask about a date and tell them what I require. The call is 100% business related.

A few days later I get an email that begins "It was lovely talking with you..."

Lovely? Really? I thought that we were two business people discussing a possible transaction. We were courteous and used please and thank you but "lovely"? That word sets off my BS detector.

A simple and honest email would begin "Thanks you for calling XYZ hotel to discuss your event.”

This leads on to the point of this article. When you are with patients are you simple and honest or do you do "salesy" stuff?

For example, using the person's name excessively, asking them all about their weekend, mirroring their gestures, telling them it was "lovely" of them to come in and acting like they're are a long-lost friend.

If you do any of those things you may want to rethink because, as the title of this article says, honesty talks, BS walks.


Like ripping a bandaid off


When I worked like a new grad