Efficiency is intelligent laziness

Dr Mark HassedHow is it possible that some dentists produce two, three or even four times as much dental work as the average dentist per day?Yet, if you were to watch these "super" dentists not a lot would seem to be happening. They move with measured slowness and not a hint of fluster or haste.The quote from David Dunham that is the title for this post gives the answer.Ultra efficient dentists apply intelligence to their systems and workflows. This allows them to be "lazy" and at the same time highly productive. For instance, intelligent "lazy" dentists:

  • Never have to wait while things are got ready.
  • Never have to look away from where they are working to search for instruments.
  • Never have to chase up paperwork or lab work.
  • Never have to say things twice.

Have you looked at your workflows lately? If you haven't, you should. Try to find ways where you can do less while at the same time achieve more.

The relaxed dentistThe Art of Case Acceptance and The Art of Efficient Dentistry.

In 2016 I will be presenting these two exciting topics in one day seminars. Case Acceptance is my flagship seminar and has received rave reviews from attendees. It is on in Sydney on 20 February and Melbourne on 9 April. Efficient Dentistry — learn how to increase your productivity while simultaneously reducing your effort and stress — will be on in Melbourne on 13 February and Sydney on 5 March.

Click here for more information and to register.


A confused mind says "no"


Life is meant to be easy