A dumb question I get asked

Almost every large company I deal with (e.g. banks, telephone companies and insurance companies) from time to time sends me a survey similar to this:

Based on your experience with XYZ company how likely would you be to recommend us to your friends?

The scale is 0 to 10 where 0 is not likely at all and 10 is very likely. The answer for me is nearly always 0 and the reason is quite simple.

If I were to recommend a company they would need to do something unexpected and over and above what other companies in their industry are doing. Banks are a case in point.

I’m currently a customer of a few and a past customer of many. In my long experience they are all pretty much the same.

They are happy to help you with easy things but if you need something difficult they give you a huge run-around. The service is plain vanilla even for long-term customers.

Here are two questions to ask yourself:

  1. In your dental practice what do you do that is different and better than the dentist(s) down the street?

  2. If you were to ask your patients about the 0-10 scale above what score would they give you and why?

If you are doing the same as every other dentist in town then the answer should be “0”.

To earn a “10” or even a “5” you really need to stand out. Do you?


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