Do you get lots of questions?

Dr Mark HassedOne of the hallmarks of dentists who talk too much is that they get lots of questions from patients, many of which are completely irrelevant.Dentists who talk too much tend to explain plenty of technical details about how treatment is done. For example the details of every stage of a root filling. When a patient is bombarded with technical details they feel almost obliged to ask questions:

  • "Just go over again what you do at the second stage of a root filling."
  • "So, how many x-rays do you need to take?"
  • "What is the metal in a crown made of?"

And so on. Next thing you know 15 minutes has passed and you're running late.Become aware of what you say to patients and before you open your mouth decide if what you're about to say is necessary. Information told to patients should only be the things that they need to know.


It's not sales. It's common sense. (part 1)


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