Communication podcast

Recently I was interviewed by Dr David Kerr from Dental Head Start.

David has just established a website and podcast that is specifically designed to help new dentists. But, lots of the topics we discussed would be helpful to dentists of any age.

Some of the things covered:

  • The advice he would give to his younger self

    • Be busy

    • Learn communication

    • Accurate diagnosis

    • Clear treatment plans before starting treatment

  • Cutting back from 5 1/2 to 4 days resulted in increased productivity

  • Communication can be learnt by everyone

  • An example of how he would present a $20k+ case

  • Efficiency tips

    • Wear loupes

    • Make precise cuts, don’t slowly abrade the tooth

    • As a dentist do dentistry and delegate everything else.

    • Focus is a huge part of productivity

If you've got an hour check it out.

David's website is


Patients will judge you


Are you plain vanilla?