Check lists. The keys to communication (part 5)

Dr Mark HassedHere's the fifth in the check list series on communication. Make sure to follow the entire series.Previous posts in this series were on 28 February, 20 March, 10 April, 1 May and 29 May.

5.   Don't buy it back

Buying it back is a simple and very common thing.Once the patient says "Yes" the best thing you can do is either book the appointment or start work immediately.The worst think you can do is to keep talking about the decision:"You'll be so happy with the result.""I'll do a really nice job for you.""You've made the right choice."By talking further all you can possible do is to convert a "Yes" into a "Maybe".This completes the check list series on communication. To recap, the points are:

  1. If you must speak ask questions
  2. Speak to the obvious
  3. Listen without judgement
  4. When you ask a closing question shut up
  5. Don't buy it back

Good luck!


Take a deposit


A challenging idea