Biggest ever productivity boost

Around twenty years ago I was participating in an online chat group.

At the time I was working 4-handed and I reckoned that we had our “choreography” nailed. I thought that we were super efficient.

The questions that someone posed on the chat group were simple:

“Has anyone tried working 6-handed? How is it?”

Foolishly (and perhaps arrogantly) I replied that I hadn’t tried it but I could not see how it would make you more efficient.

A day or two later I realised my mistake and decided to give 6-handed dentistry a try. We held a staff meeting and worked out how we were going to do it.

The results were remarkable:

  • A time saving of at least 30% on procedures.

  • Reduced stress and tiredness.

A 30% time saving is like having an extra 2½ hours a day or an extra day and a half per week. The cost of the extra staff member is covered several times over by this increased productive capacity, even if you only gain a day a week.

The reduced stress and tiredness comes from the fact that every instrument and material “magically” appears just when you need it and you never have to wait or go looking in drawers. With 6-handed dentistry you maintain your focus 100% on the procedure.

Very few dentists practice 6-handed dentistry and based on my personal experience I’ve often wondered why. When I ask them they usually cite the cost of the extra nurse or the fact that they don’t think it would save them time.

I’m telling you emphatically, both those objections are baseless. If you haven’t tried 6-handed dentistry you really should.

Those of you who have tried it please leave a comment regarding your experiences.


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