Are you too modest?

Dr Mark Hassed

In my experience most dentists are quite competent but somewhat reluctant to let patients know how good they are.That's a shame because patients want to feel that they are seeing a really good dentist. If you don't let them know how good you are then who will?

I'm going to give you a method today that will let patients know how good you are and at the same time build staff trust in you. And, it's so simple.

Every time you do some nice work in a patient's mouth, invite your nurse to look at it: "Nurse, have a look at the crown we just put in.

"Nurses love to see dentistry (that's why they became dental nurses) and by showing them your good work they will enjoy it and be impressed.

Often, totally unprompted, the nurse will say how nice the work is e.g. "That crown looks beautiful!". That's nice for the patient because they are getting "third-party" validation on the good work you do.

But, even if the nurse doesn't comment out loud the patient still gets to feel that you're proud of what you've done.It's a win for you, a win for the nurse and a win for the patient.Try it!


Stop making excuses


How's your grooming?