5 classic case acceptance mistakes (Part 2)

Watching dentists talk with patients about treatment there are a number of mistakes that I see made over and over again.

Mistake #2 — Fear of the fee

So many dentists have difficulty discussing fees with patients. Instead of just looking the patient in the eyes and telling them how much treatment will cost they beat around the bush.In extreme cases this leads to dentists going their entire career without ever doing a comprehensive case. The reason? It's because the dentist cannot bring themselves to tell the patient it will cost $30,000 to rebuild their mouth.

Here's a news flash. Dentistry is expensive and patients need to know how much the treatment options will cost before they can decide. But, if you can get over your fear of the fee then many patients will say 'yes'. Patients who you never believed will say 'yes'.

In a practice a while ago I presented a $10,000 case to a patient who had only had patchwork previously. He accepted immediately. His reaction to the $10,000 fee was — "Fine! No problem! Let's get it done!"

So, rule #2 is: Get comfortable with your fees and quote them to patients in a confident manner during treatment discussions.SaveSave


5 classic case acceptance mistakes (Part 3)


5 classic case acceptance mistakes (Part 1)