100% case acceptance

Is 100% case acceptance an achievable goal or is that figure forever out of our reach?

That all depends on how you define case acceptance.

In my practice I went through four recognisable stages with respect to case acceptance:

  1. Whatever walks in the door
    We all start off here. Whatever the patient asks for, give it to them. Easy and low stress but unsatisfying. Lots of patch up work. Very little “quality” dentistry.

  2. Jam it down their throat
    Learn some “smart”, high-pressure sales tactics — e.g. the infamous 5 slides. Enjoy some successes but also lose a lot of patients to the dentists down the street. (Patients hate being pressured!)

  3. Win / lose
    Respectfully present treatment and “win” if they accept treatment but “lose” and feel the sting of rejection and failure if they don’t. Retain most patients but still lose a few. A roller coaster of emotions.

  4. 100% case acceptance
    Converse and find out what patients want. Ask questions. Clarify. Respectfully outline alternatives and let the patient choose. Whatever they choose, you win because they stay in the practice. If they stay in the practice you may get to do their work in the future.

Where are you with respect to case acceptance? If you’re not at level 4, then why aren’t you?

My case acceptance seminar is all about taking dentists who might be on any of the first three levels and bringing them to level four. And, if you are already on level four I help sharpen you talents even further.

Think about where you want to be on the case acceptance hierarchy and take action to achieve it.


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